How to support a friend's business for free
Our friends mean a lot to us so we often want to show our support but don't know how. This blog is written specifically to help you understand how to support a friends business for free... Once you have purchased a product or service how else can you help?
How to support a friends business for free?
One of the hardest things about running a business is getting people to know who you are and what you do. Here is where you come in... you can help spread the word purely through word of mouth - if ever you think someone might need your friends service then why not give them a mention.
As we all know social media can be very powerful so liking, sharing and posting about your friends business on forums and groups will really help to spread the word cost effectively.
The gift of time
From the outside it can appear the best scenario to run your own business but it takes a lot of sacrifice and hard work and commitment to succeed. If your friend has a family then perhaps offer to do some child care swaps to give them more time. Cash flow when you are starting out doesn't always allow for child care. Even offering to babysit so you can help them to avoid burn out.
Why running a small business is hard?
Often people fail to see why it's hard to run a small business... it's lonely, and because of this your friend will often doubt their abilities. Show them you believe in them and be their biggest cheer leader. It might just be what they need to carry on. Business Partnerships can be hard, so be a shoulder to cry on and listen to their challenges, as to them they are very real.
The financial cost of running a small business
Your friend may feel poor for quite some time and they may question going forwards what they spend their money on. Be kind, invite them round for wine or suggest a weekly activity so you can connect and catch up but that doesn't involve a financial commitment. Supporting your friend in their small business will feel good and will cement your friendship and you might benefit from returned support.
Limited resource is a big challenge in running a small business
To support your friend running a business you could offer up a skill, or perhaps you could 'phone a friend' who might lend a helping hand. Doing a good deed can be all the reward you need but perhaps suggest a trade off of your skills for some product or perhaps to benefit from their services.
Having no-one to discuss ideas with
Suggest a mini work session over wine or a cuppa, where they can sound out their ideas with a group of friends like a mini brain storm with wine. The aim being to boost confidence and see how you can all help. Be honest but kind.
Often an act of kindness like this can feel good and your friend will thank you for it. Also you might find the insight interesting and you might learn something new which is good for our wellbeing. If you are thinking about starting your own business then this might help you to forge your own ideas.
We hope you found this useful. If we can help just one person feel support then we are doing what we set out to do with Brown Paper Packages.