How to: Sleep Better and Why It's So Important
Did you know that there are countless reasons to invest in a good night's sleep? Getting some proper shut eye results in better concentration, keeps your heart healthy, maintains emotional and mental wellbeing, helps you maintain a stable weight, reduces stress levels and protects your immune system.
With all of this in mind, it's easy to see why some people get anxious when they struggle with their sleep. Insomnia affects 1 in 3 people, it’s a condition that affects your sleep, symptoms include waking up and not being able to go back to sleep, difficulty falling asleep and feeling tired throughout the day.
Here are some tips on having a good night routine that’ll hopefully keep the sleepless nights at bay.... but remember if your sleeping problems persist then its probably a good idea to check in with your gp.
Invest in a body clock
These are a great way to keep your circadian rhythm in check. What’s a circadian rhythm? It’s your Circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioural changes that follow a 24- hour cycle. Sleep is a vital way to maintain this....
Don’t work from bed!
Once you get up in the morning, make your bed and don’t return to it until you go to sleep at night, this is a great way to make your brain associate your bed with a restful night's sleep.
Wake up at the same time each day
A great way to ensure you have a great sleep routine is to make sure you wake up at the same time each day. Why is this so important? Waking up at a fixed time each day ensures a desire to go to bed at a reasonable time.
Get a good night time routine
A routine is a great way to maintain sleep is to establish a nighttime routine.
Potential night time routines include: indulging in a nice bath with essential oils, dimming your lights and reading a book to wind down before bed time.
Another routine could be some gentle stretches before bed and practice a 10 minute mediation to slow down your thoughts before sleep
Why not try a gentle stroll and a nice hot drink in the evening to settle down after work.
Write in your journal
Journaling before bed is a great way to get all your worries and thoughts out and onto paper. A study from Baylor University found that journaling in the evening decreases overthinking and worry and allows people to fall asleep faster. It’s a brilliant way to get your worries in perspective.
Interested in journaling but not sure where to start? Check out our Inner Me Journal Care Package to give you the best start.
Pay attention to what you eat and drink before bed
Experts recommend waiting at least three hours after eating before going to bed. Eating a large portion of food before bed can disrupt digestion. Try a nice herbal tea before bed or a hot chocolate to wind down.
Make your bedroom a safe space
Try and make your bedroom the place you escape to at the end of a long stressful day. Light a nice candle, dim the lights and get cosy. By making your bedroom a stress free zone you’re more likely to fall asleep.
Know someone who’s struggling with their sleep? Our sleep well care package encourages your loved ones to do just that; full of goodies to ensure a restful sleep.
These are just some of our ideas on how to improve sleep, tag us @brownpaperpackagesuk to tell us about your sleep routine....